Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Vernon Smith Award

This contest is open to all undergraduates non-economics majors enrolled in any 100 level economics class during the Spring semester 2006. Prior award winners are ineligible for this contest. The award's 1st prize is $500 and 2nd prize is $250. To enter the contest, the student must write an essay discussing "How economics and individual liberty promote individual and societal well-being". The essay must not exceed 5 pages or 1500 words in length.

All essays submitted must:

bulletinclude on each page, the student's name, email address and their instructor's name, course, and section number,
bulletbe in one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Courier, or CG roman (12 pt),
bulletbe submitted to Karen Kihiu the Economics Department before 5:00 p.m. on March 27th 2006
bulletplease do not exceed the word limits specified for the contest. Please submit 3 copies of the essay. Essays will be evaluated for their cogency, economic reasoning, and persuasiveness.

Finalists for the essay contest will be notified one week before the Awards Ceremony. The 2006 Ceremony will be held on Thursday, April 20th, 2006 at 3:00pm in the Center for the Arts, 3rd floor Lobby.


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