Sunday, December 18, 2005

2006 Kaplan/NEWSWEEK “My Turn” Essay Competition

Attention high-school students: Win $5,000 for college!

To enter, each student must complete the official entry form (or a photocopy) and submit it with two copies of an original essay (500–1,000 words) on a topic of the student’s choice that shares an opinion, experience or personal feeling (see “Writing a Personal Essay” on the back page of this brochure). Also, before applying, students need to read and follow the Official Rules, which are also on the back page.

Think about a personal experience that has shaped or motivated you as a person. How can you express this experience so it is interesting for others to read?
Take a few moments to write your thoughts and memories of the experience before you begin organizing your ideas into an essay.

Read the section “Writing a Personal Essay” in this brochure and several “My Turn” essays in NEWSWEEK as a guide for refining the topic and writing your essay.
Study the sample “My Turn” Essay inside. Use it as a model for writing an effective essay.
Show your essay to friends and teachers. Polish your essay and mail it in!
First Prize wins $5,000!Second Prize wins $2,000Eight more students win $1,000Ten winning essays and 10 honorablementions may be published by theNEWSWEEK Education Program.All high-school students are eligible. Deadline for entry: March 1, 2006

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