Thursday, April 06, 2006

The 22nd Annual PDN/Nikon Self-Promotion Awards


Entry deadline: 5.24.06

Late? Pay $10 to extend your deadline to 6.07.06

How To Enter

Actual self-promotion pieces must be submitted. Please include 2 samples of each piece and complete the entry form in duplicate.

Download the form and print out 2 copies. Tape one copy of the completed form to the back of one of the entries. Attach the duplicate to your entry so that it can be easily removed. In the case of multiple entries you must provide separate forms for each piece entered.

All information must be typed or written legibly. Entry forms must be complete to be eligible for awards.

All entries must be received by PDN no later than May 24, 2006 and must be accompanied by a fee of $35 per entry (unless you pay an extra $10 to extend your deadline to June 7th). Please make checks payable to Photo District News.


1 Best Ongoing Campaign Established Talent: Any photographer working as a professional for more than 3 years. A concerted self- promotion effort of 3 or more related pieces distributed over a period of 6 to 12 months beginning within the last 12 months. The elements of the campaign must be unified by a consistent theme or concept.

2 New Talent: Any promotion created by an emerging photographer in business under 3 years.

3 Rep Firm/Stock Agency Promotions: Any promotion created by a photography representative business or stock photo agency used to promote the business or group(s) of photographers.

4 Direct Mail: Cards, mailers, posters and other printed pieces.

5 Print Placement: Creative directory, annual or magazine self-promotion ads appearing in publications such as The Black Book, Communications Arts, Le Book, or Workbook, etc. within the last 12 months.

6 Extraordinary Promotions: Included in this category are non-traditional innovative promotions, books, objects d'art and holiday cards distributed over the last 12 months.

7 Best Overall Design: Entries emphasizing collaborative work of photographers, graphic designers, creative directors and art directors distributed over the last 12 months.

8 Websites and Digital Promotion: Self-promotions produced digitally including websites, email blasts, CD-ROMs, and disks are eligible for this category. Please include a printed duplicate of the cover of your piece or url address.

Winners and Prizes

All Winners
First, second and third place in each of the categories will be in PDN's October 2006 issue and on

Download the 2006 Entry Form here


Email John Gimenez at

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