Saturday, April 08, 2006

Swackhamer Peace Essay Contest

The US initiated a war against Iraq based on the false premise that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Write an essay exploring the consequences of US use of force in Iraq and make recommendations on how the US, in cooperation with the international community, can peacefully prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The contest is open to all high school students throughout the world. Applicants must be enrolled in the Fall 2005 through Spring 2006 academic year.


DEADLINE: All essays must be postmarked by June 1, 2006.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: All essays become the property of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. The prize winning essays will be published by the Foundation and sent to key world and national leaders, such as the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of the United States. Similarly, winning essays will be made widely available for use by newspapers, magazines and broadcasting networks. Other essays may be published by the Foundation and used on its website or in its publications.

Visit contest's website

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