Sunday, December 18, 2005

Improving Our World Essay Contest. National Academy of Engineering

In 500-1000 words tell us how you think engineers have and continue to improve the world. Focus your essay on one of the following topics:

Engineering For Today
What have engineers done to improve the quality of your life today? What in your world have engineers made possible?

Engineering For Tomorrow
What significant technologies will engineers develop by the year 2020? What problems will they solve?Who Can Enter? The contest is open to all students in grades 4-9, individuals or teams of up to six students. Entries will be judged in two divisions:
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-9

When Is the Deadline?
Entries must be received by January 20, 2006.

What do the winners get?
First, second, and third place awards — $200, $100, $50, respectively — will be presented for the top essays in both divisions. Winners will be announced in February, 2006 during Engineers Week on the EngineerGirl! website.

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