Friday, December 30, 2005

International Photographer of the Year Competition

The deadline for submissions to the 2006 International Photography Awards is May 31, 2006.

The International Photography Awards conducts two parallel competitions each year: one for professional photographers, who earn the majority of their livelihood from their craft, and a second for non-professional photographers.
IPA is open to photographers from all parts of the globe. Certificates of excellence will be awarded in all sub-categories to both professionals and non-professionals, who will then compete within their respective pools for the following titles:

Advertising Photographer of the Year
Architectural Photographer of the Year
Editorial Photographer of the Year
Photography Book of the Year (professional category only)
Fine Art Photographer of the Year
Nature Photographer of the Year
People Photographer of the Year
Photographer of the Year in Special category

Judges will evaluate the work of the seven major winners in the non-professional competition to determine the winner of the New Discovery of the Year Award, who will receive the Lucie and the $2,000 cash prize. The winner of this award will be announced at the Lucie Awards ceremony.

More information

Student Award 2006

Are you a student studying for a Business, Management, Accountancy or Finance HE course?
Would you like to win £250 for a 1000 word essay?

Would you like the opportunity to express your views on the essay competition title:“How does your experience of your course compare with any expectations you may have had?”?
Well now's your chance!

The Higher Education Academy Network for Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance is offering all students studying these subjects as part of their HE course, the chance to win £250 and to have their winning essay posted on this website. The winner will then be given the opportunity of going on to attend the HE Academy Conference, all expenses paid. There, you have a chance to become the overall winner, attracting a top prize of a Toshiba laptop.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2006 Kids 'n Fishing Photo Contest

It certainly isn't hard to "picture it," kids 'n fishing that is - smiles, laughs, looks of anticipation and excitement. So, join in on the fun, catch the excitement of your child on film while fishing and enter his or her picture in the annual Kid’s n Fishing Photo Contest sponsored by DGIF and Shakespeare Tackle Company… celebrate National Fishing Week!
The winning pictures are those that best capture the theme "kids enjoying fishing." Children in the first place photographs of each category will receive a variety of fishing-related prizes. There in no need to be a professional photographer. Any snapshot will do.

More information

American Foreign Service 2006 Essay Contest

The members of the Foreign Service are like the olive branches in the right talon of the American eagle, advising the president and Secretary of State about foreign relations and carrying out the president's foreign policies. The members of the military service are like the arrows in the eagle's left talon.

Essay Contest Topic In 750 to 1,000 words, discuss the following topic:
Analyze and explain how the members of the Foreign Service promote United States national interests by participating in the resolution of today's major international issues.
In writing your essay, use the following as your guideline:
• Select a specific current international issue that is of importance to you in United States foreign policy and explain why you have chosen it.
• Describe and analyze the role of members of the United States Foreign Service in conducting diplomacy to resolve this particular issue and discuss the immediate consequences.
• Keep in mind the United States national interests include: national security, protection of American citizens, human rights, democratization, free market economics, countering terrorism, free trade, and sustainable economic development.

The Global Cold War

Deadline: 15 January 2006
The Cold War Studies Centre (CWSC) of the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Center for Cold War Studies (CCWS) of the University of California Santa Barbara, and the Cold War Group (GWCW) of the George Washington University, in cooperation with Cambridge University, are pleased to announce their 2006 International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, which will be held in London on 06-08 April 2006. The sessions will take place at the LSE and at the British National Archives at Kew outside London.

The conference is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to present papers and receive critical feedback from peers and experts in the field.

We encourage submissions by graduate students working on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Two page Proposals, including a brief academic C.V., should be submitted to by Sunday 15 January 2006. Successful applicants will be expected to email their papers by Wednesday 1 March 2006. Further questions may be directed to the conference coordinators, Garret Martin and Louise Woodroofe, at the aforementioned e-mail address.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

"My Worst New Year's Eve" essay contest :)

Before the ball dropped, did your date drop you? After the clock struck twelve, did you strike out?

Confession is good for the soul, so fire up your computer and fire off an essay describing your very, very bad New Year's Eve. The best accounts of the worst nights will be published in our December 15 New Year's Eve Guide - and the top essay will also win $200, which should help make New Year's Eve 2005 a little more enjoyable. (Published finalists will each receive $50, as well as a box of Kleenex and a bottle of cheap champagne.)

Send your essay (we'd suggest no more than 1,000 words, unless your night was so awful and endless it warrants more) via e-mail to, or get it to the Westword office at 969 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203. Please include your name, e-mail address and/or phone number. (Upon request, we'll publish your piece anonymously to protect the guilty.) Deadline for all entries is 11:59 p.m. Friday, December 2.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

2006 National High School Essay Contest

This year's National High School Essay Contest on the United Nations asks students to decide which aspect of UN reform is most important and explain how it should be addressed. Students will write a letter to the President of the United States answering the following:
1. What is the most important aspect of UN reform and why?
2. What position should the US government take on this aspect of UN reform?

Essays must be 1,500 words or less, written as letters to the President (students are encouraged to include the President's mailing address in the letter, though this is not necessary for submissions).

Rules: Essays must be 1,500 words or less, typed and double-spaced with citations of all source material

Deadline for Submission: January 13, 2006

First Prize: $3,000. The national winner also receives airfare and accommodations for him/herself and one parent or guardian to attend UNA-USA's Member's Day, held at United Nations Headquarters in March or April of 2005, as an honored guest. There, the winner will receive his or her award in a formal ceremony before UNA-USA's membership.

Second Prize: $1,500
Third Prize: $750

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

IEA Student Essay Competition 2006


The following two quotations are attributed to Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Milton Friedman. Comment on either one in 1,500 words or less with reference to at least three examples:“The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem”“There's no such thing as a free lunch” Entries must be submitted by February 28th 2006, by email to or by post to Christine Blundell, IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London SW1P 3LB. Please include your name, the name of your school and your date of birth on a separate sheet.

3 runner up prizes of £500

Monday, December 19, 2005

RESPECT 2005-6 Poster Contest

RESPECT (Refugee Education Sponsorship Program - Enhancing Communities Together) is hosting an international poster contest! Students from all parts of the world, Azerbaijan to Canada, Japan to Zimbabwe, will be using their creativity and artistic talent to further RESPECT's mission of promoting awareness of refugee issues among non-refugee students. We begin the poster contest by having students worldwide brainstorm the theme. Once the theme is decided, the students create drawings or paintings based on the theme.

More information:

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Love Your Body: 2006 Poster Contest

The National Organization for Women Foundation is hosting a poster design contest as part of the 2006 Love Your Body Campaign. We are looking for innovative responses to the onslaught of negative images that impact women's and girl's health.

The grand prize winning poster will be used as part of a national campaign to challenge the use of violent, drug-addicted, starved, surgically-enhanced images of women and to fight against the industries that profit from women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies.

Category I: $400 prize for open competition (non-student)

Category II: $400 prize for undergraduate or graduate student

Category III: $200 prize for high school student

Category IV: $100 prize for elementary and middle school student

Deadline: Postmarked March 1, 2006

More info:

2006 Swackhamer Peace Essay Contest

The contest is open to all high school students throughout the world. Applicants must be enrolled in the Fall 2005 through Spring 2006 academic year.

TOPIC: Our vision is a world at peace, free from the threat of war and free of weapons of mass destruction.Translate this vision into an action plan that you can implement in your community or on your campus. Write a proposal for a youth-led event, campaign, or project that educates members of your community and/or other students concerning the continuing threat of nuclear weapons and the need for nuclear disarmament.

AWARDS: The top three winners will each receive a $1,000 award to implement their proposal.

DEADLINE: All proposals must be postmarked by June 1, 2006.

More information:

Improving Our World Essay Contest. National Academy of Engineering

In 500-1000 words tell us how you think engineers have and continue to improve the world. Focus your essay on one of the following topics:

Engineering For Today
What have engineers done to improve the quality of your life today? What in your world have engineers made possible?

Engineering For Tomorrow
What significant technologies will engineers develop by the year 2020? What problems will they solve?Who Can Enter? The contest is open to all students in grades 4-9, individuals or teams of up to six students. Entries will be judged in two divisions:
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-9

When Is the Deadline?
Entries must be received by January 20, 2006.

What do the winners get?
First, second, and third place awards — $200, $100, $50, respectively — will be presented for the top essays in both divisions. Winners will be announced in February, 2006 during Engineers Week on the EngineerGirl! website.

2006 Kaplan/NEWSWEEK “My Turn” Essay Competition

Attention high-school students: Win $5,000 for college!

To enter, each student must complete the official entry form (or a photocopy) and submit it with two copies of an original essay (500–1,000 words) on a topic of the student’s choice that shares an opinion, experience or personal feeling (see “Writing a Personal Essay” on the back page of this brochure). Also, before applying, students need to read and follow the Official Rules, which are also on the back page.

Think about a personal experience that has shaped or motivated you as a person. How can you express this experience so it is interesting for others to read?
Take a few moments to write your thoughts and memories of the experience before you begin organizing your ideas into an essay.

Read the section “Writing a Personal Essay” in this brochure and several “My Turn” essays in NEWSWEEK as a guide for refining the topic and writing your essay.
Study the sample “My Turn” Essay inside. Use it as a model for writing an effective essay.
Show your essay to friends and teachers. Polish your essay and mail it in!
First Prize wins $5,000!Second Prize wins $2,000Eight more students win $1,000Ten winning essays and 10 honorablementions may be published by theNEWSWEEK Education Program.All high-school students are eligible. Deadline for entry: March 1, 2006

Learn more

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fraser Institute Student Essay Contest 2006

The 2006 topic is Trade or Aid? What is the Solution to Poverty in Africa? The entry deadline is June 1, 2006 and there are $1,750 in cash prizes to be won for the best essays.

Click here for contest details

1st round results of L'Oréal e-Strat Challenge 2005

The 1st round results of L'Oréal e-Strat Challenge 2005 are online! Check the list of the teams selected to play the 2nd e-Strat Challenge round.

What is e-Strat? You and your team, consisting of three people, will manage a portfolio of beauty brands and compete for worldwide leadership against 4 other virtual companies during six runs. Each run corresponds to a six month real time period. The four other virtual companies, run automatically by the simulation, will not only challenge you with innovative decisions but will also respond to your moves!
Every registered team will have the opportunity to participate in the first round, and then, according to their SPI, 1500 of these teams will be selected to continue the “adventure”. All the teams participating in the L'Oréal e-Strat Challenge will manage PRIMA, but in a parallel, simulated world, separate from yours.

The Global Marketing Game 2006 edition starts on February 22nd, 2006

ESIC, (Business & Marketing School) organises, in collaboration with efmd (European Foundation for Management Development) the new edition of the business simulator. The main purpose of this project is to offer more management training opportunities while taking advantage of the prestige of the publication The Economist.

Global Marketing Game' 2006 is a business simulator designed to improve the management skills of its participants. Naturally, it should be assessed by the computer.Live a true-to-life experience in a competitive market environment very similar to reality. The world of business management is waiting for your decisions competing with worldwide teams.

Learn more