Saturday, December 24, 2005

"My Worst New Year's Eve" essay contest :)

Before the ball dropped, did your date drop you? After the clock struck twelve, did you strike out?

Confession is good for the soul, so fire up your computer and fire off an essay describing your very, very bad New Year's Eve. The best accounts of the worst nights will be published in our December 15 New Year's Eve Guide - and the top essay will also win $200, which should help make New Year's Eve 2005 a little more enjoyable. (Published finalists will each receive $50, as well as a box of Kleenex and a bottle of cheap champagne.)

Send your essay (we'd suggest no more than 1,000 words, unless your night was so awful and endless it warrants more) via e-mail to, or get it to the Westword office at 969 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203. Please include your name, e-mail address and/or phone number. (Upon request, we'll publish your piece anonymously to protect the guilty.) Deadline for all entries is 11:59 p.m. Friday, December 2.

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